But there have been a few things that have happened that serve to make me smile in recollection, one of which was having an AMAZING night at the `Ekolu concert!!! We rolled up with a total of like 45 of us that night, from brothers and sisters to nephews and nieces, cousins and friends, and it was so much fun!!! We had a great time listening to great music, surrounded by great people, dancing like I was 19 again....although, funny thing...I don't remember ever having aches and pains after a raging party when I was 19....ah, age, it may as well be a four letter word. hahahaha Mahalo piha to everyone who came out that night, it was a blast! Here's some shots from that night:

One other funny thing was with our 2 and a half year old, Kaleineneke. She comes up to me with her shape sorter and says, "Mommy! This is a pentagon, and it's my faaaaaaaaaaaavorite!!" So of course, daddy chimes in with, "Haha, my side of the family, hon." Wthout missing a beat I reply, "Uh-huh. SPELL pentagon." That reply is met with a blank stare. After a few seconds, which probably felt like minutes to my husband, he says, "Pssshhh....it's because she always sees stop signs when we're driving!" Again, without missing a beat, I respond, "Oh you mean those pretty red OCTAGONS? Uh-huh. MY side of the family." Hubs gives up gracefully and changes the subject. Hahahahahahaha too funny.
Such is life in our household. We lead busy lives, but who doesn't? Everything we do, is done as a family. Today's frustrations will serve as tomorrow's jokes, even if we're the only ones who get it.
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