Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happily UN-Frazzled!!!

So we have an event this weekend. And wonders of wonders, I'm not freaking out, I'm not stressed, my face isn't blotchy, no hives in sight, and my blood pressure isn't sky rocketing. No, I still have my OCD, it's alive and well, thank you. I'm fairly calm because my board ROCKS!!! My executive board for Hui Hawai`i O Utah Hawaiian Civic Club are doing an amazing, amazing, AMAZING job with all of the preparations for this weekend's event.

Not that yours truly hasn't been busy. I have. Extremely so. So much so that I walked past the calendar and saw that Thanksgiving was next week. Now, on a technical level, I did know that yes, Thanksgiving is next Thursday, but on a practical level? Well the whole idea seemed a little abstract to me. Focusing on Civic Club, and work, and stuff with the girls, shifted Thanksgiving OUT of focus, and put it into the "background". Walking past that calendar shifted the focus back, gave me a mini shock to the head and heart, and has now placed Thanksgiving smack dab in the foreground again. And just in time. Got the grocery list going, menu planning, decorations, and we're moving right along!

Even with our crazy lives, we receive gems from above every day. Lehuakona, our 19 month old has been happily starting to go potty all by herself! She's got the whole thing pretty wired, even if I say so myself. She'll strip off the bottoms and diaper, climb on the potty, balance, do her business, jump off, reach for the toilet paper, take care of things, flush and go to wash her hands. Mommy or Daddy are always there to supervise, but we just love her independent spirit! We'll get back to you when she's 15 and see if we're loving her independent nature then.

Kalei's creativity is growing by leaps and bounds. She now loves to draw and will make up little stories about what she's drawn, and she'll sit with a book and tell her sisters all sorts of stories about what she believes is happening in the book she's reading. Her memory retention is amazing. She's been able to pule in Hawaiian for a while now, she'll recite the whole thing, and is now moving on to teaching her sister Lehua, who can follow along with her. So cute. So humbling.

Pumehana is a typical big sister, gets after the babies when they're acting up, and hugs them tight when the crawl on her lap to snuggle. She's looking forward to watching Harry Potter this weekend, but I think it's more for the popcorn, which she loves. She loves taking the popcorn tub away from Daddy and putting napkins in his hand instead. Her way of saying "You've had enough dad." I guess. Kinda funny, because sometimes he doesn't even notice, especially if he's really into the movie, and goes to put the napkin in his mouth. You can't shut Pume up after that, she's laughing hysterically at that point.

David's been spending a lot of time with her, especially once the babies are calmed or sleeping for the night. He and Pumehana have Halo Reach disputes, with Pumehana always insisting she's winning, and that she has more "kills" than he does....then their teasing back and forth begins. Which Pumehana LOVES. All the while I get to get caught up on work, civic club, Kalea, community or household stuff. Lately I've been able to take care of all of that early in the week so amazingly enough I've had time to read. To the tune of 4 books since this time last month! I just realized that. Give me a moment to get over my shock. Ok pau. Mostly it's due to my amazing husband who will take care of the girls and stuff while I get work done. Leaving me time to read in the latter part of the week. So far, I've read "The Glassblower of Murano" - it was okay. "The Botticelli Secret" - it was better than The Glassblower of Murano, same author, "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" -pretty good once the story got rolling, and "Bed of Roses" pretty good, I was surprised I liked it. I'm now on "The Rossetti Letter" and so far so good.

Anyhow, that's our life as of this week. Holy moly that was a long post!!! Will have tons of pics to post after this weekend! Stay tuned!

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