Friday, March 9, 2012

Feeling like SPRING!

Complete with Spring FEVER!!! The girls keep asking me, "Is it warm outside?" I answer, "Yes." They immediately inundate me with a constant (I do mean CONSTANT. Imagine the SAME question being asked with the speed of a machine gun. Yeah. ) "Can we go camping?! Can we go camping?! Can we go camping?!" And after being asked the SAME question about a gazillion times, (YOU try getting a word in with those rapid fire questions coming at you.) I finally say, "It's TOO COLD." Loud enough for them to hear over their own voices. In other words, REALLY LOUD. They stop and stare at me. Kalei responds with, "But MOOOOOOOOOM, you just said it was warm!" Lehua responds with a succinct, "DAMN." Okay, it was FUNNY, I didn't let her see me laugh, she did get scolded for her language. Ohhhh my lovely one track minded children.....don't you know that 'warm' is relative here in Utah? Especially in March?

We celebrated Kalei's 4th birthday with the 'ohana, and are getting ready to do the same for Lehua's 3rd birthday. It's a little strange that she's turning 3. Because she is super akamai. And apparently has a great grasp of the English language and is not afraid to use it. Example: We're in the grocery store and Lehua points to the woman standing behind us in line and says, "Mom, why doesn't her clothes match? Did she not do laundry?" I'm standing there like a deer in headlights for what feels like forever. In my head I'm cursing the powers that be that I'm stuck in the line of the SLOWEST. CASHIER. IN. THE. WORLD. So I respond with, "Lehuakona. That was rude, and I know you know better. Say sorry." I turn to the woman, Lehua looks her in the face and says, "I'm sorry you didn't do laundry." Arrrghhhhh. Afterwards she did end up saying sorry, but I have a suspicion it was just to placate me and not because she was actually sorry.

These two monkeys are a never ending source of amusement for their sister Pumehana. Pumehana is actually really sensitive, and sometimes their bickering, whining, arguing and crying makes her cry. Lately she's been in a mood which is highly unusual for her. But since she's never ever like that, we're giving her a lot of leeway. She is, after all, a teenager. She's going to be 18 years old, and she's still a sweetheart. Normally.

Here's a video of the two monkeys saying hello to their Aunty Deanna. I need to remember to get her email address so I can send it to her directly, but in the meantime, here's hoping that she drops by the blog and gets to see it.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I'm on the TEAM now! Mahalo piha to you my U'i princesses. We love and miss you two silly girls and of course Tita Pumehana. Come home and visit with us..... please;)
    Aunty Loves you all very much! Keep smiling and listen to your Mommy and Daddy ok? Love you!
